
Friday, March 14, 2003

Girls!!!! i am in a factastic mood today!!! I was so ultra stressed and depressed the last 2 -3 days because of my final year project... my project supervisor was changed and instead of being under the wing of one of my fav lecturers, i was passed out to this terror guy. He's suppose to be good but also suppose to be really strict and scary... I was freaking out because my group is so slack and i have to keep bugging them to get things done. The stress was tripled from last sem. I felt like i was bursting and it is only my 2nd week of sch. i was crying on my friend's shoulder in school yesterday after a talk with my exasperating groupmate.

BUT all is good now, cos i went to see my original supervisor, and begged him to take us back(in a really trembly voice, trying to be as calm and cool as possible, not wanting to hop on his shoulders and pull his hair out). and i just recieved an email from him informing me that we're back under him!!!

Hooray!!!!! Life is good...lalala...
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