
Wednesday, October 31, 2001

hi girls i'm sick and dying and desprately trying finish on my bloody project on time...i've terrible terrible skin due to stress... it's dry and peeling... and so are my lips..damn i feel worst than shit. anyway since no one is free to write the about us page..i found this questionnaire ..it's actually q. a narcissistic and fun activity so just fill it up and post it here when ure free and i'll ave our about us page done.

1) Name/Nick/Age -

(2) Girlfriend/Boyfriend -

(3) What do you do when you feel bad? -
(4) Do you always tell the truth? -
(5) Are you happy? -
(6) Do you believe in God? - .

(7) Do looks matter? -

(8) Politics? -
(9) Do you think homosexuals should be allowed to adopt? -
(10) What is the meaning of life? -
(11) Do you think everything was better in former times? -

(12) Would you consider yourself intelligent? -

(13) Listens to? -.

(14) Friends? -

(15) Self-Confidence (1-10)? -

(16) Immigration? -

(17) Are you a feminist? -

(18) Make-up? -

(19) Pessimist/Optimist? -
(20) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? -

(21) Most negative quality? -
(22) Do you have a life? -

(23) Can you manage without the Internet? -
(24) What's your opinion on big occasions such as Xmas, etc? -
(25) How do you dress? -
(26) Favorite Color? -
(27) Is your hair dyed? -
(28) Organ Donor? -

(29) Do you fear death? -
(30) What means the most to you? -
(31) Are you popular? -
(32) Are you social? -

(33) Who would you most like to be? -

(34) You biggest dream?
(35) What are you afraid of? - (36) Are you happy with the way you look? -
(37) Height/Weight?
(38) Do you think your weight is OK? -

(39) Is there extra-terrestrial life?
(40) Do you have an obsession? -

(41) Do you feel stressed? - .

(42) What is PLUR? - t

(43) Do you believe in horoscopes? -
(44) What starsign are you most like? -

(45) Do you believe in the universal right of freedom of speech? -

(46) Satanism? -

(47) Christianity? -
(48) Do you like school? -

(49) What would you do if you ruled the world for one day? -

(50) Addicted to anything? -

(51) Easy to sleep? -

(52) Do you like philosophy and psychology? -
(53) Who would you want to hurt right now? -

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