
Thursday, September 13, 2001

hey girls,i took the liberty of pasting shihui's massmail below....

hi girls

thought i'll mail all of you and see how all of u are, especially our dear qingya, who's in USA, far away from us and her family....how are you, my dear? you must have been pretty shaken up...i was.....i had to keep reassuring myself that you're not in New York City or Washington. your family must be panicking like hell now. take care of yourself alright? i dunno what the situation is like in other states...i only know manhatten is in chaos from what i see in the news.... but i heard that the whole of US is like on hold now.....school cancelled and everything so the tension must be pretty thick. you take care now alright?

i'm mass mailing this to the whole gang so that everyone can reply to the whole gang and add any thoughts
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